How to help your brand in crisis?
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Raj Shrestha is Founder, Chief Executive and Creative Director at country’s promising full service advertising agency called, TheSquare. Under his leadership, the agency has served more than 300 local to multinational brands, managing them, launching in new market and creating communication for growth. He is Professional Graphic Designer, marketer and brand consultant having more than 17 years of industrial experience and also holds Executive MBA degree specialized in marketing and brand communication. He can be reached at
The advertising industry has been facing a unique challenge - the trend of providing free creatives to clients. This practice has become so prevalent that clients have come to expect it, putting pressure on agencies to provide high-quality designs at no cost. The question is, how sustainable the practice is.
Despite this unprecedented economic hardship, there are many unique ways and creative ideas brands can explore. This is what they were never forced to do in the past. It is a right time to start thinking differently and stay ahead in the league.
Order farm, basically means here the dependency of business revenue solely upon the orders they receive organically in a certain frequency. Based upon their existence in market, network and business relations, excessive demand and whatsoever marketing effort to maintain their average sales target throughout the year.
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