Our Services.
We feel privileged to offer our clients a wide
range of communication needs including;
Logo & Corporate Identity:
You have created a vision, now give it an identity.
If your idea is unique then it must have a unique identity. It has to be designed professionally to portray the true identity of your vision in order to make the mark in your targeted area. First impression counts. Likewise, your future depends upon how and what kind of image you have put on the market at first impression.
So, we are just a click away to create an identity for you unique vision.
Brochures & Catalogs:
Add a bit of spices on your publications…
Spend a tremendous amount of time and money creating a brochure or catalog, carry that to abroad exhibition, put your stall, try to distribute as much as you can and at the end of the day, there is not even a single call. Why?
Because, you could reach them but not to a specific corner of their mind, from where they decide whether to choose you or not. So, it is needed to spice up your publication as a tasty food with an awesome look.
Click here to make your publication tasty and awesome.
Marketing & Branding:
Get a call from the crowd.
Everyone says, their promos and advertisements should be very creative. We say, creativity doesn’t work. Because, we believe that it is not creative until it sells your product or ideas. Every single advertisement has a message to convey that, please look at me! Please own me!
If your advertisement is not delivering the message correctly, then you are likely to be lost in the crowd.
So, we are here to originally create loud and clear promos or advertisement as your vision that will cause you to get the call.
Printing & Publishing:
Bid our great combination of low price with world class quality.
Being as one of the biggest industry worldwide, it has been developed a lot of possibilities and quality assurance. We are proud to work with our partners using state-of-the-art equipments, who have helped us without any hesitation to get what we target for. They also feel proud to work with us setting new standard in the printing history of Nepal.
So, thanking those people or companies, we are here to bid the great combination of low price with world class quality.
Corporate Communication:
Let your communication tools speak about your company.
Our core belief in communication have been, “it doesn’t matter if you have said right, but what matters is to be understood rightly”. So, how would you lie back and relax on what you are doing. Time is changing, so is the perception. So, we urge you to move with the time through a correct and proper communication approach for your business.
Let us to be your companion for the journey to success.
Web Development:
Website is not a luxury anymore but the basic need for your company.
There are about 200 independent countries and nearly 7000 known languages spoken across the globe. But, one vital connection, that builds a single world, is internet. Without internet, we cannot even imagine our own world. So, how can we let it just go.
Develop a very best website with us and run your show globally.
Additional Services:
- Marketing Consultancy
- Copy Writing
- Editing
- Photography
- Illustration
- Digital Advertising
- Graphic Design
- Interior Design
- Office Design
- Multimedia Development
- Preparing Presentation
- Info-graphics
Managing your Project
“If your project doesn’t work, look for the part that you didn’t think was important”.
It seems to be ok, but in fact not. It seems to be working, but it is not. It seems to be done but, it won’t. Why? Because, you didn’t realize that we could make you a better project than anyone else. Yes, we have realized it and developed a system of getting things done within a deadline with a perfect plan before starting a project with the help of every component; designer, programmer, photographer, illustrator, paper supplier, pre-press and press, whichever is needed in the process. And, we also know how to monitor and track the project until you get your order delivered.
So, we would be happy, to be in your service.
People love to be inspired by
good communication, and TheSquare
creates it for you.
We are TheSquare. We team together to help our clients to
achieve sustainable growth for their companies and brands.
Communication is the key to every form of success and
we have learned how to do it the best in our two decades
of professional experience.
That’s why, we believe in
‘Enlivening your Communication’.
We serve the best as,
Our Service Verticals
TheSquare renders its services through six verticals that includes comprehensive solutions for the clients of all shapes, sizes and countries.
- Branding Strategy
- Marketing Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Creative Strategy
- Communication Strategy
- Advertising/Marketing Campaign
- Corporate Profile
- Corporate Communication
- A/V Contents
- Social Media Contents
- Blogs/Vlogs
- Editorial Services
- Photography
- Illustrations
- Info-graphics
- Storytelling
- Corporate Identity Development
- Brand Identity and Collaterals
- Print AdWorks
- A/V Commercials
- OOH Publicity
- Websites
- Interactive Presentation
- Merchandizes
- Events/Stalls
- Digital Promotions
- Documentary Films
- Environment Design
- Survey
- Research
- Study
- Field Works
- Data Analysis
- Pre-Testing / Testing
- Data Processing
- Printing
- Publishing
- Branding
- A/V Production
- Media Activation
- Event Activation
- 3D Modeling
- Animation
- Motion Design
- Merchandizes
- Event Management
- Project Management
- PR Management
- Press Meet
- Evaluation of Possibilities
- Budgeting
- Media Planning
- Production Planning
- Production Coordination
- Quality Control
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Reporting
Case Studies
Here are few examples of how we created successful journey for our clients.
case study 1

Kathmandu World School
case study 2

UNDP Nepal
case study 3

Himalayan Bank Ltd.
In Our Portfolio
They have believed in our capabilities and we’ve proved them right.